My programme of study will include four core modules, each covering eight areas of study, culminating in a dissertation:
Module 1: An integrated study of human development in context
Module 2: A neuropsychological investigation of human needs and motivation
Module 3: An integrated investigation of key human neuro-psychological variations
Module 4: Analysing oppression as a factor in human development
Dissertation: An independent research project bringing together the subjects above. Title to be confirmed. * Study for this will include a significant module on research methods.
Learning approach
For each module I will produce a portfolio of work and evidence including essays of between 2 and 8 thousand words, some form of presentation or talk, some resources to support parents or professionals and a list of resources for others’ learning. My final dissertation will be a research project of 20,000 words.
The programme in detail
Module 1: An integrated study of human development in context
Areas of study for this module include:
- Typical neurological development from conception to maturation
- Typical psychological development from conception to maturation
- Childhood and parenting from a socio-anthropological approach
- The impact of parenting approach on neuropsychological development
- Understanding the complexities of attachment theory and impact of attachment style
- The impact of education approach and systems on neuropsychological development
- Play and exploration in relation to neurological and psychological development and function
- Understanding adverse childhood experiences and resilience as a factor in psychological development.
Module 2: A neuropsychological investigation of human needs and motivation
Areas of study for this module include:
- Neuropsychological human needs
- Human needs and emotions
- Executive function
- The science of the senses
- Psychological motivation theories.
- The neuroscience of motivation
- The threat system and threat responses
- Autonomy
Module 3: An integrated investigation of key human neuro-psychological variations
Areas of study for this module include:
- Variation as a key to survival
- Neurological developmental disorders
- Neurological diversity
- Understanding psychological variations
- The relationship between neurological variations and psychological health
- Diversity of gender experience
- Diversity of sexual attraction
- Childhood as a variation in neuropsychology
Module 4: Analysing oppression as a factor in human development
Areas of study for this module include:
- Understanding the concept and complexities of oppression
- The oppression of the attraction divergent people
- The oppression of gender divergent people
- The oppression of neurodivergent people
- The oppression of children through the ages
- The oppression of psycho-divergent people
- Societal education and oppression
- The impact of oppression from a sociological, and neuropsychological perspective.
Areas of study for this module include:
Th knowledge and understanding gained from the previous modules will inform the area that I want to research for my dissertation. In addition I will study research methods either under my own supervision or if this proves difficult, which I imagine it might, be undertaking a short course of study or single external module. I would like this to include methods of psychological research and the analysis of data including developing skills in running statistical analyses using SPSS. Furthermore it will be necessary to examine the possibilities and problems of using qualitative information in the analytical process, and combining these forms of data and analysis.
Th knowledge and understanding gained from the previous modules will inform the area that I want to research for my dissertation. In addition I will study research methods either under my own supervision or if this proves difficult, which I imagine it might, be undertaking a short course of study or single external module. I would like this to include methods of psychological research and the analysis of data including developing skills in running statistical analyses using SPSS. Furthermore it will be necessary to examine the possibilities and problems of using qualitative information in the analytical process, and combining these forms of data and analysis.
The dissertation paper will be approximately 20,000 words and will comprise:
- A clear and relevant question or theory to be investigated in some considerable depth
- A full review and analysis of relevant literature and other resources
- A clear method of collecting appropriate primary data from multiple sources
- Statistical and qualitative data presentation and analysis
- A comprehensive discussion of the conclusions drawn from the data
- A critical analysis of the study overall, including all limitations and indicators of desirable ongoing research.