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The Beagle family

Harry Beagle

Harold Beagle delivers the freshly bakes bread for his mother and father on his bicycle.

Toni Beagle

Antonia Beagle loves baking! She enjoys helping out in the bakery and trying out different types of bread.

Prunella Beagle

Prunella Beagle also bakes, her great passion is baking cakes for special occasions – she just loves to create!

Barnaby Beagle

Barnaby Beagle is away at college and wants to be a writer his mother Prunella hopes his first book will be all about baking the perfect loaf!

Percy Beagle

Percy Beagle has an early start every morning (except Sundays) to make sure that all of Sylvania has lovely fresh bread ready for their breakfast table.